Bed bugs - on target to deliver the best treatment
Posted on 16th September 2018 at 10:26
We use every available method to target the treatment of bed bugs and we can offer a zero chemical alternative if required to eradicate these horrible insects. Don't suffer with bites and mattress staining, help is at hand and if you are concerned about the effectiveness we can guarantee our treatments.
As professional pest controllers we’re always looking to deliver the best possible service and in regards to dealing with bed bug problems we’re already delivering a quality service. For those people in Reading who have an infestation of bed bugs there are two ways to treat them:
The application of chemicals through a surface sprayer and the application of heat; we have made considerable investment in portable heaters that raise the internal dwelling temperatures to 60*C, at temperatures around 45*C both juvenile and adult bed bugs will die – this is their thermal death point.
Bed bug eggs however are a completely different thing and their TDP temperature is another 5*C higher, coupled with that the fact the eggs will be placed in out of the way spaces there is a chance that the heat may not completely penetrate. To combat this when delivering a heat treatment to a customer we finish up with the surface spray to leave a long lasting residue of insecticide.
We have been asked about non-chemical treatments and after giving that some consideration we can now treat bed bugs with the application of super heated steam; this is not something like you’re household kitchen streamer. We are using a device that raises the temperature to 180*C and we can introduce cleaning chemicals to remove some of the bed bug staining from mattresses.
The steam produced is pure vapour so the mattresses don’t remain soaked and the bed can be used that night; two litres of water will produce enough bed bug killing steam to last for two hours. This investment allows us to deliver a targeted, non chemical alternative to use usual bed bug treatments.

Our aim has always been to deliver the best service possible, that’s why we say our customers are our priority.
Total bed bug control in Maidenhead
If you need a service to deal with bed bugs in your home, we just need you to prepare the room for us prior to our arrival. The bedding should be in the washing machine on a hot wash - either 60 or 90 degrees. The room should be clean and tidy and areas like beneath the bed cleared or stored goods.
Leave these goods in the affected rooms as we will look at them and treat them as we proceed through the treatment.
You may need to think about where your pets will go if we have to treat the whole house and it is advisable to treat both cats and dogs with a flea treatment as bed bugs can and will feed off your pets as well as you.
Tagged as: Bed bugs
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