Retail and Food Premises - Continuous pest control across Maidenhead 
I run a food retail business why do I need the services of a pest control company? 
The safety of the food we eat is vital to all of us and especially if your running and managing a food production or food handling business; we at Maidenhead Pest Control can help you in the application of your food safety management by monitoring and controlling pests that will effect your business: whether its insects like ants, flies and cockroaches or rodents such as mice and rats. We will provide you with a Integrated Pest Management program incorporating pest proofing to prevent access to your premises and continuous pest monitoring; this approach builds assurance that your business is protected and has a rapid response for any pest infestation that may occur. 
Do you leave paperwork with us for the Council inspectors when they visit? 
Complete records of our technicians' inspection and actions are left with you in a folder including COSHH reports and chemical data sheets; when you elect to use the services of a professional pest control company you show ‘due diligence’ to public health control as required under the Food Safety Act. 
If we haven't got a pest problem now can you prevent one form occurring in the future? 
Pests will often migrate into a property from other areas; nearby infected premises and open areas of wasteground are ideal areas from which rodents and insects migrate into surrounding buildings where there is warmth and a steady food supply. Our expertise on insect and rodent proofing can help your business to prevent insects and rodents from gaining access and putting your business at risk. We carryout a detailed inspection of your property and we will eradicate any infestation found, having got your premises pest free we will set up a monitoring strategy to establish control of any future pest invasions, safeguarding your property and safeguarding your reputation. 
We have an inspection from the Environmental Health Department can you help? 
Often the first time that small businesses realise that they have a serious problem is following an inspection from the Environmental Health Officer; we are happy to give free advice for businesses over the telephone, call us and we can help you resolve your pest problems and get your business running smoothly.