Maidenhead Pest Control - professional mole catching throughout Maidenhead, Ascot and Windsor. 

Maidenhead Pest Control for total control of moles.   Moles can be a big problem throughout Maidenhead, Ascot and Windsor - don't let them ruin your lawn - call today. 

Why have molehills suddenly turned up in our garden? 
Moles live a secretive life and they are rarely seen by us humans, they also move around a lot. Moles live a solitary life in a territory and they will suddenly move away during the breeding season and in late summer.  
Like all creatures the autumn is a time of plenty before winter comes and brings with it the hard times, moles will enlarge their feeding areas looking for more worms and insects and this maybe why you've suddenly got mole hills appearing in your lawn. 
We went from a couple of molehills to loads, will there be more than one mole in our garden? 
Moles don't get on with one another and they only come together to breed for a short period, if two moles do meet up either one will back off or they will fight to the death to claim the ground.  
Moles pick up their food through vibration and various things affect digging rates: type of soil whether its hard packed or soft and loamy will give you different amounts of molehills.  
Insect life in the soil is another, for example in the ground around fruit tree's where the fruit is allowed to rot off the insects will be in abundance so the mole doesn't have to travel far to find a meal.  
In areas of poor quality soil where insects are scarce, moles will travel great distances and carryout a lot of digging resulting in more molehills. 
All about moles. 

Maidenhead Pest Control for professional mole catching 

We carryout mole catching on all types of grounds from a simple small domestic lawn to a 150 acre estate, when it comes to the treatment we use the same method.  
We only use traditional break back traps for mole catching as its important to show the customer that we have actually caught their mole.  
Moles will move around and in order to meet up with moles from the opposite sex, their individual network of tunnels often overlap with one another but they don't live together in groups, in fact apart from mating they live a solitary existence.  
When we catch your mole there's no guarantee that a neighbouring mole will not just move in and carry on expanding the old tunnel network, so we catch, show and leave the traps down for a week just in case. 
At Maidenhead Pest Control we are confident is our ability to catch your mole, therefor we work on the basis of no catch means no fee. If we fail to catch your mole then you don't get a bill its as simple as that. Why would anyone pay up front for something that they don't know can be achieved? 

Total mole control from Maidenhead Pest Control 

Call Maidenhead Pest Control for a professional solution to your mole problem. 
Maidenhead Pest Control provides a free telephone consultation if you think you have a problem with moles. 
To let us solve your pest problem, call us today on 01628 30 20 48.  
We will attend to any call out within 24 hours of receiving the telephone call with qualified and fully insured technicians for your peace of mind.