Commercial and business pest control services in Slough 

Professional pest control services in Slough from a local company  

Any business and particularly those involved in the human food supply chain need an element of pest control monitoring to be in place; as a employer you are required to maintain a safe place for your staff to work in and by engaging the services of a professional pest control company we can help you meet your legal obligations. 
There’s enough work for managers and business owners without worrying about those unforeseen events such as a rat infestation in part of your premises and here at Maidenhead Pest Control we can offer you low cost monitoring and control for pests like rats and mice.  
If you handle, store, sell or manufacture food we can provide a wide range of insect control treatments all designed to keep your business compliant with all the food safety standards. 

Year round professional pest monitoring in Slough  

Business management is about risk control and compliance; if you fail to meet your obligations that are laid down under a raft of different legislations' then you are exposed to a high degree of risk. Using the services of a pest control company reduces that risk, helps you fulfill your requirements under due diligence and may save you money through prevention of pest infestation, animal damage to property and spoiled stock. 
Ultimately everything comes down to price and as a family run business we offer extremely competitive rates for all our pest control work. Offering a cheap service is not our strategy on pest control however; we operate a style of pest control called Integrated Pest Management and as a ratio its around 60% prevention and 40% response work. 

Total pest management in Slough 

We carryout a lot of work looking at the wider range of risks: your buildings and the conditions that they are in, making minor repairs and sealing gaps as part of our usual service. Ongoing maintenance means that rodent pests cannot get a toehold and so we keep them out before they can become an issue. 
We also look at the external environmental, taking control of issues like overhanging vegetation that animals like mice will use to climb up and into roof areas, we are licensed waste carriers and we offer a waste removal service, taking away redundant items and old equipment that may harbour rats.  
Our aim is to get you pest free and keep it that way, for us any rodent infestation is seen as a failure of our ability to keep your premises secure. 
From a corner shop to a top flight football stadium you will find us working to provide a professional first class pest control service – inspection, prevention and restriction is the mainstay of our commercial pest control service in Slough. 
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